Here at Beecroft Family & Skin Cancer Clinic, we are focused on understanding your individual needs and providing you with the most appropriate information and interventions to your well-being.
Besides the common health issues (like Cardiovascular disease, Hypertension, Diabetes, Stroke, Bowel cancer…) that affect the General population, other health concerns facing Australian men today include:
- Infertility. …
- Prostate and testicular cancers. …
- Erectile dysfunction. …
- Depression and anxiety. One in 8 men will experience depression and 1 in 5 men will experience anxiety at some stage in their lives, according to beyondblue. …
- Erectile dysfunction. …
- Drug and Alcohol dependence…
- Androgen deficiency. Androgens are male sex hormones. …
Research has shown that boys and men often seek medical advice less frequently to women, often presenting late with medical conditions.
So don’t wait… Your health is important…
Phone 9484 4788 to make an appointment