Did you know…

  • That two in three Australians will be diagnosed with some form of skin cancer by the time they’re 70?
  • That Australia has the Second highest incidence of Melanoma in the world?

Once upon a time, you would have been right in thinking they were terrifying statistics. However, new treatments and therapies are changing the odds for patients with skin cancer.

But only if those skin cancers are discovered and taken care of early by doctors with expertise and experience in the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of skin cancers.

Want to assess your melanoma risk?

The risk predictor tool estimates a person’s melanoma risk over the next 3.5 years based on seven risk factors.

The seven risk factors the tool uses are age, sex, ability to tan, number of moles at age 21, number of skin lesions treated, hair colour and sunscreen use.

To Access this risk predictor tool click http://www.qimrberghofer.edu.au/melanomariskpredictor

Do you want to check for skin cancer?

For more information Click Here: https://www.cancer.org.au/preventing-cancer/sun-protection/check-for-signs-of-skin-cancer.html

Here at Beecroft Family & Skin Cancer Clinic, our expertise is focussed on assessing your risk to skin cancers, identifying, and managing these skin cancers once diagnosed and providing you with information on optimising your care